Making sure that your website is usable is one of your primary tasks as a webmaster and web marketer. What makes a website usable? First and foremost, it should contain information that will be beneficial to your site visitors. Don't disappoint your site visitors by advertising your website as "educational resources" when all that your website has are images of you and your friends. Make sure that your site visitors find useful website content in your website.
Second, the website must be easy to use. This means that it should be navigable. Don't let your site visitors click on countless pages first before arriving on the page with the information that they are looking for. There should be clear cut links and instructions on how to get around your website.
Third, the website must be consistent. If you have placed your menu buttons on the upper right part of the home page, do it on all pages of your website. This way, your site visitors will know exactly where to click to get around your website.
A usable website attracts your site visitors to stay. Bounce offs are usually caused by poor navigation and usability.
Here's how you can make your website usable:
* Have a single theme for the entire website
* Be consistent with design, content, etc,
* Always ensure your site visitors' security when using your website
* Make your website's navigation simple and easy to follow
* All links within the website must be properly working
If you want to attract more visitors and get them to stay on your website, it is time to assess its usability and do something to improve it.
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